Nature we love - 80x90 - 2013
Sublimation n.3 - 70x115 - 2009
Over the sun - 50x70 - 2009
Sublimazione (Sublimation) - 85x139 - 2003
The rising Nature n.2 - 58x50 - 2013
Variazioni A - B - 60x80 - 2001 and Variazioni B - A - d. 60 - 2001
Artist's Collection
Light of fire - 85x135 - 2009
Emersione lunare ( Lunar Emersion) - 45x85 - 2004
Mr. Gary Marenzi Collection
Sublimazione (Sublimation) - 97x134 - 2001
Artist's Collection
Central dynamic equilibriusm - 97x108 - 2009
The door - cm.42x28 - 2006
Nature Defender - 85x140 - 2011
Onde blu (Blue Waves) - 80x120 - 2002
La luce (The light) - 135x96 -2001
Nel blu, accelerazioni e variazioni ( In the Blue, accelerations and variations) - 85x95 - 2001
Artist's Collection
Il tagliatore di canne (The cane cutter) - 52x82 - 1997
Artist's Collection
Marine extreme vitality - 62x115 - 2009
In the stormy night - 70x115 - 2009
Il vento (The Wind) - 50x70 - 1999
Artist's Collection
L'attimo (The Instant) - 85x125 - 2000
Artist's Collection
Nature Rebellion - 90x145 - 2011
Rebirth - 120x65 - 2011
Oltre (Beyond) - 70x90 - 1997
Artist's Collection
Distacco ed emersione (Detachment and Emersion) - cm.85x140 - 2003
Toward the light - 70x115 - 2008
Armonia (Harmony) - 40x95 - 2004
Luce (Light) - 120x80 - 2002
Onde (Waves) - 60x150 - 2002
La Vita (The life) - 120x90 - 2003
Artist's Collection
Sublimation n.2 - 85x140 - 2009
A Nature critical message - 49x61 - 2012
The rising Nature n.1 - 48x60 - 2013
Oltre (Beyond) - 50x140 - 2003
Il varco (The Passage) - 35x80 - 2003
Rinascite (Rebirths) - 75x115 - 2001
Private Collection
Il branco (The Shoal) - 60x90 - 2000
Humanism Rebirth - 120x65 - 2024
Nel vento, per la vita ( Among the Wind, for Life) - 90x145 - 2007
Per la vita (For Life) - 90x140 - 2007
Light Blade - 85x140 - 2009
Red sunset - 45x135 - 2009
Alfa - 45x95 - 2009
Equilibriusm - 85x140 - 2009
Extremely Nature Defender - 85x142 - 2013
The rose sailing ship - 68x110 - 2011
Omnia - d.80 - 2007
Artist's Collection
Movimenti marini (Marine Movements) - 65x78 - 2007
I due soli (The two Suns) - d.70 - 2001
Dissolvenze (Fadings) - 70x115 - 2003
Towards the sun - 45x135 - 2009
Explorer 7 - 85x138 - 2010
The light blue sailing ship - 80x75 - 2011
Light of fire - 85x145 - 2011
I windsurf e la coda (Windsurfing and the fluke) - 110x130 - 1997
Per la vita (For Life) - 110x149 - 2006
Le due sfere (The two spheres) - d.70 - 2003
Tramonto di luna (Moon sunset) - 58x98 - 2003
Attraction - 70x115 - 2009
Misteri (Mysteries) - 70x115 - 2006
Private Collection
Natural unlimited forces - 80x90 - 2013
The Totem - 30x120 - 2009
Armonia (Harmony) - 40x130 - 2002
Blue Defender, The Leviathan - 90x145 - 2010
In the sea - 85x65 - 2012
Insieme (Together) - 70x90 - 1996
Endless variations - 50x85 - 2006
Artist's Collection
In the sunset - 85x140 - 2009
La Croce (The Cross) - 70x80 - 2004
Artist's Collection
Miraggi marini (Marine Mirages) - 57x84 - 2006
Mr. Gary Marenzi Collection
In the moonlight night - 80x120 - 2009
Nell' oceano, movimenti ( Into the Ocean, movements) - 85x95 - 2000
Artist's Collection
Through life - 70x115 - 2009
Through life - 85x140 - 2009
Ourselves - 85x140 - 2009
Lunar emersion - 60x90 - 2013
Emersioni (Emersions) - 47x84 - 2003
Aenigma - 80x90 - 2011
Distacco variabile ( Variable detachment) - 45x120 - 2003
Azzurro (Light-Blue) - 58x52 - 2005